Thursday, February 2, 2012

..No worries. I'm still here.

Well hello folks!

I know what you're thinking. Tzvi begins a blog, starts out amazing, tells some stories and zingers the way only he can, and then...silence for weeks.

Did he already give up on his project? Nope.

Just got caught up with a few things.

1) Began watching The Wire, the gritty realistic HBO series (2003) which basically engulfs your entire life. My life for the better part of a few weeks was watching this amazing TV series. I plan to continue speaking about it in future entries, but this isn't the place. As a start though, I recommend you seek out the entire series before passing any sort of judgment. [An excellent resource for this comes in the new iPhone/ iPad/ Roku / Younameit application known as HBODemand, which can allow you to view this entire series provided you have an HBO Subscription and are one of the listed providers, with others coming soon.]

2) See #1.

3) Still See #1.

4) Got my wisdom tooth taken out on Tuesday. Which is great if you want to live a life filled with constant salt water rinsing, entire head wraps filled with ice, and well, constant explanations of my tooth.

Oh, you're curious? My extracted tooth was growing in at such an angle that it almost nicked the nerve and gave me permanent nerve damage to a part of my face. But as a good med school friend told me "You're just being a (Pansy)."

So sit back, hold on tight, more entries on the way. Love you all, except you reader. I just still really like you.

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